Organic SEO vs Pay Per Click

When we want to be in the top positions in the search engines have to decide which road to take, the SEO or Pay Per Click commonly known as PPC (Pay Per Click) or AdWords.
Organic SEO vs Pay Per Click / PPC. Consider the main differences between the two:
- The SEO is organic (natural) and Pay Per Click is inorganic (paid).
- A good SEO is taken to a pay per click, it can be immediately
- A good SEO is long term, the pay per click hard while pay for this service.
- Studies show that the perceived better SEO than pay per click because when a page is poised
Recommends Google organically.
- The pay per click campaigns can be seasonal or changing SEO campaigns are permanent
- The investment for a permanent campaign trying to grab 100% of the term or keyword traffic can be up to 2000% cheaper than SEO Pay Per Click.
- To make a good SEO Internet site must meet certain characteristics, with the pay per click you can get anywhere.

It is important to understand that the two options are good and have the same goal, get more traffic and more customers, the combination of the two is best for a strong campaign.
The Web is ideal positioning for certain terms or keywords that we want to represent us in the search engines, where we highlight our brand, this denotes authority and ego hits the competition. Pay per click is highly recommended for the first months it takes to position organically our website, if you do not want to stop for a moment to have a presence at the top of the search engines, it is also highly recommended for testing market geographic location or seasonal promotions.

Choose PPC or Organic ... or both.
More recently, I read an article comparing the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) for organic search. While it is good advice in the article, there is also a glaring omissions and misleading information could inadvertently cost money and prospects. Here is the information you need when comparing PPC to organic SEO.

Organic search engine optimization is usually more profitable long-term benefit. The fact that you do not have to pay for a specific ad placements you can save money over time. Positioning Service (as a result of hard work) is good to have in the long run. People also recognize that it is an advertisement, and therefore, is likely to see it as more relevant. If you can get organic rankings, which is definitely better and pay from time to time.

PPC advertising can help you get a quick boost. If you do not rank well in the organic search engines, it will probably take a while to move up to the first position. In the meantime, you do not want to lose all the clues. If you are willing to pay to reach the top of the search engines, everything is possible. You can do this by itself, but a good SEO company will help you get the most out of your money.

And that's how people usually look for organic vs PPC search. They regard it as a short term / long term. There is some validity to it, and the individual, which may be how they are best used for each. However, there is an important element that is missing here:.

Application of organic search and PPC together clicked 50% more.

Conventional wisdom says that when you are good organic rankings, the addition of PPC basically wasting your money!. That's not true though. Research has shown and proved that if you take the PPC, losing all PPC clicks are not replaced by organic clicks on your rankings, even if you have the # 1 position.

If you have the # 1 and remove the PPC, 50% of the clicks on the ads will not be found by the organic search position # If you have a 2-4, 82% of the clicks you are missing if not returned by the organic search occurs # 5 or below, 96% of clicks will not recovered That are dangers that promoted by some agencies - following his advice could cause the loss of more than 50% of your potential customers! That's not a smart board. Just because you have a good range, does not mean it will not help the PPC.

Of course, if you're strapped for cash, you might not want to pay extra money for advertising on Google. Do not consider it a worthwhile expenditure - Statistics show that almost sure to generate more traffic.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. SEO has become the way to get a site to rank high in search. In fact, recent changes to both Google and Bing’s webmaster guidelines confirm this. Search engine metrics are dense. Although search engines publish their preferred methods of search optimization, not whole lot is actually known about their logistical inner workings. What those of us on the outside know is what the search engines tell us. This information is augmented through trial and error experimentation by various SEO companies.
    Pay Per Click Marketing

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great Blog thank u very much to share a nice information related to Organic SEO and Pay Per Click, this information is very helpful for SEO. seo website design

  5. I want to know which is the best way to increase the traffic on our site, Pay Per Click or Organic SEO Process,Website Management in my point of view the PPC process only for a short duration in comparison to Organic seo Process.

  6. Organic SEO Services is a new strategy that we should know for our business. Everyone of us should learn about it. An effective strategy that have been used by professionals. Hope there there will be more shared information about this.

  7. Organic Social Media has now been used by many website owners. That is why they are successful in getting the top spot of the target search engine. Most of us doesn't even know about it and we should know that for our own benefit.

  8. In pay per click the results will stop immediately when the payment has stopped and the campaign comes to an end. Organic search engine optimisation (SEO) campaign also has a wider coverage and generates maximum exposure for your business. Organic search engine optimisation is hence a better rounded approach to online marketing and has a much wider coverage. Although you may not see the result within the first few months it will be an extremely useful marketing investment for any business. Penguin Update SEO

  9. Wonderful article, thanks for putting this together! This is obviously one great post.

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  10. It is true, that Pay Per Click Advertising Management can be temporary while SEO service might just last longer. But it completely depends on the business holder, what he/she decides to do. This is a very informative post and will help a lot of people who own a business.
